A fly on the wall, spied your meeting, under

  • A fly on the wall, spied your meeting, under covers, four feet exposed, it landed on the interlopers exposed toe. You were awake, felt watched and you were.
  • You felt a germ leap from the fly on to your toe and it did. You felt the germ enter through the festering ingrown toe nail and it did. You felt this germ swim through your fluids
  • until it meets & gets engulfed by one of your macrophages. You feel a little sad. Even though the acquaintance was short, you'd grown close to that germ, it'd got under your skin.
  • Macrophages can have fifty heads and fifty legs, which makes them extremely mobile. Once they enter your tote bag, they arrive in your house. Then they scatter and multiply. Creepy
  • movie quote fridge magnets are arranged into something obscene. The Macrohphanges can be total pervs. Before you know you've got a Macro, a stuffed duck, and a naked black man all
  • doing karaoke in your back yard using the magnetic word phrases on the fridge as lyrics and becoming an overnight sensation on Youtube. People call at all hours asking to see your
  • Birthmark which looks like Frank Velcher and is located on your taint. Your grandmother blames the Townies for your taint. She is one of those who believe we are born taintless.
  • So you rain away, from all the taintless, from all the injustice and soon find yourself upon a great manor where the other "tainted" had gathered in refuge.
  • Their polluted droplets fell in torrents, as though the clouds themselves cried at their exile. "No more will our rain be looked down on!" you cry, above the crashing thunder.
  • Flashing lightning wil bring wrath and reign over all this domain with vast vengance.