Luke was walking down the dark alley home

  • Luke was walking down the dark alley home late at night. He had just came home from a party when a howl of a wolf was heard.Attempting to get home as fast as possible he ran.Then..
  • he found himself face to face with the wolf at the end of the alley. Luke cringed and contorted. He didn't like it when The Raven came out, but this seemed like a good time. The
  • Ravens, who had already lost their bid for the Super Bowl, eagerly came to Luke's rescue, tackling the wolf and giving him a loss of six yards. The wolf would have to punt.
  • The Wolf raised his paws to make the Stadium howl. He then called out the secret cadence to Peter. Peter was supposed to hold the ball for a punt, but now the play changed.
  • "Woot woot woot" went the secret cadence. Peter dropped the ball and now the teams stocks were crashing. The supporting crowd consumed peanuts uneasily. With the stock brokers
  • allergic to peanuts, this put them out of work temporarily, and the stock market was a standstill. But the sky didn't fall. The country didn't end. The sickness of necktie gamblers
  • slunked over barrels and being thrown over the falls petered out at about the same time as the drought came on. If you're lucky you might find their watches in the dry river bed.
  • Maybe one of theor watches will be a Rolex, and then you'd have the choice to ponce about, pretending to be wealthy, or to sell it, and use the proceeds to buy food for starving
  • coders. They make mad money but they buy too many rad things and forget to eat because of reasons. That's what you can do if their watches are Rolexes. Red's was a Casio. He got to
  • live the high life, on the cheap. Without asylum, Red’s bad diet & bad temper got the better of him. I heard tell his ashes were spread across Salisbury Mill, where he grew up.


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