To honor hard working Canadians, we will

  • To honor hard working Canadians, we will drop the gas price to what it was 20 years ago and force them to eat their underwear when the realize we increased the price of food to obs
  • scene amounts. With getting to work becoming easier, they will be able to work harder to afford more clothing to eat. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this plan.
  • So naturally everything that could go wrong did. The workers whittled away the extra time, and the clothing was consumed by a giant moth colony that lived in the building.
  • "Help," a wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was black and white with blood dripping from his belly. The wolf is clearly injured by the giant moth colony.
  • The moths did not want to be disturbed while nesting. The larvae were furious, hence Gus the gray wolf was attacked. Mrs. Wolf warned him. "Maybe now you will heed my advice", she
  • shook her head sorrowfully & howled "You look like a large saggy gargoyle with a triple chin. Whoever heard of a hairless Wolf? The pack will ostracize you." The saggy gray wolf
  • cried at the incredible rudeness of his companion. He vowed to get an artificial coat, and began by rolling around in mud and running through a chicken coop. Soon he was covered
  • in mud and feathers. He would live the rest of his days as Chicken-Man and fight the crimes of passion. He vowed, however, to never cross the street and to never
  • count his chickens before they hatched. Because sometimes they would not hatch. They would die instead. And then his count would be all wrong. And if there's anything worse than a
  • coop full of dead chickens- it's a botched count. Better his chicks die in a genocide than have 1000 of them and count 999... or 1001. He set up his grenade launcher and aimed. RIP


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