Pee Wee Herman said that the Secret Word

  • Pee Wee Herman said that the Secret Word of the Day for today is: "the"...OK? Ready to tell the (AHHHHH!!!!) story? Here goes: Pee Wee and Cowboy Curtis decided to go camping.
  • While camping, Pee Wee Herman and Cowboy Curtis are met by Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, two sheep herders from Wyoming. After a night of heavy drink
  • ing Ennis and Jack convinced Pee Wee and Curtis to take over their next shift herding 10,000 sheep through the Tuscaloosa Valley. Pee Wee woke up with the worst hangover of his
  • life. He had to stop drinking so much tequila while reminiscing about days gone by. Like that one time he wandered into a biker bar, donned platform shoes, and danced on the bar.
  • The bar was a giant banana. He'd broken a heel & slipped sliding passed jamba juice drinking patrons into Grace's lap. She'd offered him a lift on her tandem. Tequilla flashbacks
  • to a man at the bar they went to who's last name told it all. J. Blair was the name, and pouring Tequilla in his ears was the game. He said "YEAH!" in a loud manner when his ear
  • was filled with tequila. "So, what now?" Everyone asked. "Now I got tequila IN MY EARS!" J. Blair shouted. "WOOO! I'M EAR DRUNK!" "You still have to pay for that," said the man at
  • the bar. "CAN"T HEAR! TEQUILA!" J. Blair spun around and pretended to use castinets. That's when the worm took over. "LEFT LEG... FORWARD!" J. Blair stumbled forward. "BARTENDER!"
  • But it was too late and the bar was being evacuated a "stink bomb" worm! On the street outside, the worm found its way out the back door and escaped, never seen smelled again.
  • They say he flew to France and became a famous and beloved clown by the name of "Boingeaux", but we'll never know for sure, will we? Unless we get near enough to smell him.


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 08 2016 @ 08:56

    Fascinating idea, Chaz. Tequillaworm takes over the drinker when he downs the bottle.

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