one day lord torettes was just stabbing Russo

  • one day lord torettes was just stabbing Russo and stole all his grease to cook his chicken in
  • like two seconds. It was like stealing candy from a baby. Now this grease was special grease. Magic grease really. It was powerful and tangy. If you smeared it on the bridge of you
  • R nose, you will sneeze ten times. Dr. Sardonicus predicted that in his sixth dream. Pathetic, isn't it? Uncle John and I spoke for a whole afternoon over tea and crumpets. Rainy
  • days were always when Dr Sardoniicus's predictions were most accurate. I reminded uncle John of the time the Doc predicted my mother would die. It was pouring when I got that news
  • And when my uncle came in I knew without him saying a word that my mother was dead. Dead, just as it had been predicted. I hadn't believed it until that day.
  • I had always believed that my mother was immortal, that she would, in fact, outlive me and that my ghost would haunt her into eternity. But this was not to be. I was almost
  • a Fire Nation slave! Because the Fire Nation attacked! Only the Avatar could access her ghost!
  • So the Avatar screamed "NO! FUCK YOU ALL! I'm done with this responsibility thing!". My mother was dead and I couldn't get the password to the secret door in the hall.
  • But the water tribe has nothing to do with this story and I'm gonna leave now.
  • I left from the savagery. I walked, flames sprouting from my feet, explosions blasting, planets cracking, galaxies collapsing, and the universe imploded. "Byeee," I swayed my hips.


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