"I'll like yours if you like mine."

  • "I'll like yours if you like mine."
  • Deal! But we'll have to wait 'til this most excellent story is finished to seal it.
  • And thus it began...that torrid day on the Carolina coast, where sarcasm dripped like moss on one of the massive live oak trees at the Drayton Planation. I'd lost my temper with
  • Colonel Sanders and tossed the KFC Li'l Bucket out of the window. I gunned the accelerator of my Spider and headed for some backroads to impress some local gentry. But a deep pot
  • head had actually made me think. As I sped through country backwoods trying to catch up to Colonel Sanders, his words echoed in my mind, "Weed is from earth. God put it there
  • for us to survive on." Jerry Garcia was eating Cherry Garcia ice cream at Ben & Jerry 's nearby. He called to me and I thankfully forgot Colonel Sanders.
  • Col. Sanders sat on a bench in the afterlife, feeling dejected. First he died, then some weirdos were impersonating him on commercials for his own company. What had he done to
  • deserve such humiliation? Also, he was surrounded by billions of chicken souls that had been slaughtered and fried in one of his many restaurants. He smiled weakly at the chickens
  • . They clucked a nerve inducing cackle of cacophony. He shook in his white apron. Had he really done such an injustice to these chicken by fricasseeing them. They lunged pecking t
  • to and fro like greased lightning fighting off a horde of yesterday's bad news but matching the pace of the waves that were crashing on your foundations. Twas a foul thing done.


  1. 49erFaithful Nov 07 2016 @ 08:47

    "Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights. Jah!"

  2. Woab Nov 07 2016 @ 15:37

    "Twas a FOWL thing done." - A Deep Pot Head

  3. Rebbie Nov 07 2016 @ 17:19

    Rotflol! Fowl....!

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