I’ve learned to embrace uncertainty. My

  • I’ve learned to embrace uncertainty. My path has changed and likely will continue to. The truth is I know almost nothing about almost everything. I suspect that’s the case for
  • cats. Why can't they just move through the outside door? Didn't you want to go out? What do they WANT?
  • "We wish to serve the dark lord." a voice said. I turned around to see my cat, talking. "Yes, you foul man. I am talking. the dark lord granted me this ability."
  • "And in return, the Dark Lord has asked me to kill you and use you as a sacrifice," my cat said. I was horrified, but I ran into the kitchen to get a knife. In my haste, I accid
  • entally stubbed my toe and doubled over in pain. I could hear my cat cackling and creeping up behind me, no doubt ready to tie me up for the Dark Lord. If I had known his intention
  • was to exchange my life for his with the Dark Lord, I would have kept him in his cage today. But, who would have thought it? Betrayed by a cat!! I'll be a laughing stock if I come
  • into contact with beings capable of laughter ever again. But I think my new life with the Dark Lord will be devoid of laughter and merriment. It will be darkness and misery for
  • the rest of my mortality--and yet, I think I will enjoy it. I enjoy misery, and wallowing in it. I'd say that that is really the essence of who I am. Whether the Dark Lord will be
  • There or not I chant "number nine, number nine, number nine," as I walk down the Boulevard de La Madeleine. My watch went on the blink and it's Sunday night. I feel too
  • tired to be chanting the lyrics of John Lennon in Paris, I thought. I decided to sleep in the city park. I wished I wasn't homeless. I wished I was happy. I wished you were here.


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