It's raining outside. My dog doesn't like

  • It's raining outside. My dog doesn't like the rain.
  • My cat does, though. I sit at the armchair by the window and watch him sprint around the lawn. He was soaked and looked like a mad beast with his fur plastered down. My dog napped
  • happily at my feet, content to stay inside where it was warm and dry. That darned cat kept frolicking in the rain, looking a bit like he was performing a strange ritual.
  • It was scratching in the dirt, burying something, the remote!? My dog curled up on the TV began licking its paw & combing it over its forehead. What the? It was as if my cat & dog
  • were working in unison as if they were archaeologists in their past lives! Could Mr. Whiskers and Danger doge be reincarnated archaeologists? My cat and dog dug in the backyard and
  • communicated through a series of elaborate yet ancient gestures. Soon enough they had moved enough earth to see what they had uncovered was indeed the treasure they had sought all
  • along. They had found the holy grail of holy grails, The Holy Grail. It was clutched by the body of a dead knight who seems to have been Sir Galahad the Chaste. He must have never
  • left the place alive. Most of him had been dissolved by time, but the Holy Grail was still clutched within Galahad's gauntlets and had fused there over the course of the years.
  • He knew that to collect important relics from the worlds seven main religions would make him whole again, powerful as well as immortal. There were whisperings of a relic of Satan
  • but Ebay was flooded with fake Satanicles and UnholyRelics.com was no help at all. Plus the Luciferians just had to chime in. So he had to just go on, not quite whole after all.


  1. LordVacuity Dec 31 2019 @ 18:55

    See what comes of having cats and dogs living together? Do you see?

  2. Woab Jan 01 2020 @ 16:35

    We have been warned.

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