"Just don't make me look like such a total

  • "Just don't make me look like such a total idiot again George. I mean honestly, you should have seen their faces. Disgust. And rightfully so. I was a moron up there. Just glad it's
  • your face on the dollar bill and not mine. I mean who took that portrait? You look so sullen." Franklin warmed his feet by his stove. Washington handed Franklin a c-note. "Hmm?"
  • Franklin was suddenly interrupted by a giant platypus falling through the ceiling. It killed washington Instantly and franklin vowed to eradicate the creature from the planet
  • hollywood gift shop where the creature hid. Ben Franklin whipped out a flamethrower attached to a battle ax. "A penny saved is a penny earned!" he yelled as he shot an angry
  • Anti-Trump demonstrator who attempted to knife him. "You voted for Trump, didn't you?", the young protestor asked. "Nope!", Ben Franklin replied. Ben voted for John Adams!
  • Just then a Secret Service Response Team showed up on the scene. They saw it was Ben Franklin. They smiled & then got angry. "Go back to your era Mr. Franklin, this is your last
  • violation before we must take action. Franklin looked horrified, "Sir I implore you, Listen! the world will thank you for it in the future.
  • " But I, of course, could not have cared less. "Sorry, Frankie," I said (not sorry at all). "You see these 4 walls? They revolve around me. You unnderstand?" Franklin's face turned
  • into that of a Sasqwatch for one horrifying nanosecond before he continued, "I read the insincerity in your apology like it was a graphic novel," Frankie said. Annette stepped bac
  • k. Frank the Sasquatch reared his club, laughing as Ann fell to her knees. Either from desperation or nervous insanity, Ann yelled,” Sasquatch doesn’t exist!” ...and he disappeared


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