She howled from the shadows, fingers clenched

  • She howled from the shadows, fingers clenched in tangled hair. Her teeth were ground to the gums and the painkillers staving off the anguish from exposed roots were wearing off.
  • It was definitely time for a new dye job. Mousy roots were her bane and she could not bear the pain of glancing in the mirror again. That being the case, she
  • packed her bags and left the "Fun House." She needed somewhere she could live off the land and regroup. She marched over to the Tea Cups. Now this is what she called
  • an acid trip. She hallucinated herself swimming in a Disney Mad Hatter Tea Cup filled with Earl Grey. The March Hare swimming in the adjacent cup, was actually her
  • pink feather boa blowing in front of the window fan. She spun around the room in her make believe teacup, singing It's a Small World. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.
  • "Where's my teacup?", bellowed the Beast. It was just her step-father. "Come on, princess. Its time to put on your uniform and
  • practice the waltz again. The great hulk of a hairy man towered over Belle and they spun around the room with a grace typically reserved for Christmas supper. When the music ended
  • she was deeply in love and could not imagine being anywhere else in the world. Her future seemed clear for once a life of
  • hapiness and dreams coming true,but she forgot to ask him if this was the life he imagined for himself.She was so focused on her own desires,she was shure of herself that when
  • the music stopped playing, both as a metaphor and as a statement, she chopped him in the throat and sat in the chair. Musical chairs had never been so sweet.


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