
ركض اللص ما بين الأزقّة

  • ركض اللص ما بين الأزقّة و الطرقات، هارباً من الشرطي الذي لم يكف عن مطاردته منذ خمسة دقائق. حمل اللص مسدّسه في حزامه و كيس النقود على جانبه الآخر. في نهاية الطريق، وجد اللص نفسه …
  • Jeff admired the beautiful script that surrounded the lever in the Arabic bomb silo. He wished that he had learned that calligraphy. He put down his sandwich and reached for the
  • lever. A wall sized screen flickered on & Jeff was shown a list of choices: "To order hummus, press 1. To summon a genie, press 2. To launch a missile at a random heavily populated
  • shantytown on the outskirts of Washington DC, press 3. Press 4 to conjugate the Devil's penumbra with extreme prejudice. Press 5 to give the dog a boner." Jeff continued reading
  • دكتور هذا بالانقليزي هههههه
  • عادةً الاذكياء مايعرفون يتحجون انقليزي يامحمد صادق
  • والكثير منهم لا يتعلمون اللغه كسلا لا صعوبه و لذلك وفرت الدوله مراكز و مدارس لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية وتعلم اللغه الانقليزيه مهم جدا هـلال نايف الشمري
  • طبعاً اكيد تعلم اللغةالانجليزيه شي مفيد ، ويجب ان نحرص على ممارستها بشكل مستمر لكي لا ننسى ونطور من اللغة لدينا ..وشكراً منيف فاهم بندر
  • وتعلم الغة الانجليزية مهم جداً في بعض اماكن العمل والجامعات و الوظائف يجب الممارسة لتعلمها واتقانها وتعلم اللغة الانجليزية غاية بالاهيمة عمر صقر الصقر


  1. Woab Sep 30 2019 @ 15:37

    This is funny to read, even if you don't know Arabic. It looks like Jeff pulled the lever and that was it for the English speakers. Then I ran the last line on Babelfish, and it came out: "Learning English is very important in some workplaces, universities and jobs must be practiced to learn and master and learn English very important omar saqr saqr " May there be peace.

  2. IceSquad Oct 01 2019 @ 14:08

    And here's the line or two before: "Nothing may be allowed to come between us and our mission. Allahu Akhbar. American installations must be infiltrated at all costs. FoldingStory is just the beginning." :)

  3. WhatTheFox Oct 03 2019 @ 21:23

    First line: The thief ran between the alleys and the streets, fleeing the policeman who had not stopped chasing him for five minutes. The thief carried his pistol in his belt and a coin bag on his other side. At the end of the road, the thief found himself.

  4. WhatTheFox Oct 03 2019 @ 21:25

    Line 5 and 6: Doctor this in English Hahaha

  5. WhatTheFox Oct 03 2019 @ 21:26

    Line 7: Usually the smart what they know invoke English Yahmed Mohammed Sadeq

  6. WhatTheFox Oct 03 2019 @ 21:29

    Line 8: Many of them do not learn the language Kassala not difficult, and therefore the state provided centers and schools to teach English and learn English is very important Hilal Nayef al-Shammari

  7. WhatTheFox Oct 03 2019 @ 21:30

    Line 9: Of course, definitely learning English is useful.

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