In an undisclosed underground bunker in Los

  • In an undisclosed underground bunker in Los Alamos, Ivan was developing the latest in anti-personel weapons, a combat-ready heat seeking T-shirt cannon. "Soon, the nose-bleed seats
  • attacked me because they were inhabited by the ghost of babe ruth. It was the curse of the babe and his zoftig ghost filled up the nose bleed seats to attack every single
  • hot dog vendor in Yankee Stadium. The Iron Horse tried to calm him down, but the ghost of The Bambino pointed his bat at a crate of Oscar Mayer weiners, calling his next shot.
  • The pitch came, and the phantasmal Babe took a giant swing, but his bat just went right through the ball. Despite this, he and Lou refused to believe that ghost baseball was
  • as nonviolent as its inaction had maintained. The baseball grew fangs, whizzed back around of its own accord, and before either of them could react, Babe's throat was chewed to a
  • fun teddy bear shape, which made the Babe more appealing to children. This did not phase him at all, as he would still hand out cigars to the kids
  • when he met them in the ball pit. Some of the more obedient youngsters threw balls at his head and screamed for their mums, but the intelligent and experimental soon s
  • aw what was really happening. They looked at him with their calculating eyes, some backing away, some tentatively stepping forward, all looking somewhat unsure of themselves.
  • He perused their conflicting insipid faces with concealed amusement.When they stepped back, he stepped forward. When they stepped forward, he stepped back. Then he stepped sideways
  • and they all waved with unconcealed mirth as he plunged down the side of a cliff and was dashed to innumerable pieces beneath the pounding surf.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 13 2013 @ 15:10

    LOL. lucielucie. They say Tango is the most dangerous dance. Now we know why.

  2. lucielucie Nov 14 2013 @ 14:32

    I thought they were doing the hockey cockey?

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