One day some teachers found an online version

  • One day some teachers found an online version of 'consequences', everyone's favourite writing fluency game! One of them started a story for the others to see it, and then...
  • the American Spelling Squad swooped in and corrected the fold. There is no I in team, and there is no U in favorite. They confiscated his malt vinegar and replaced it with ketchup.
  • It didn't make a difference however as the autocorrect in Word was set to Australian English and so reinserted the U and also changed ketchup to tomato sauce.
  • I hate humor, I much prefer humour. Likewise, color does my head in. The u is such a nice letter to write. I think it's smiley characteristic subconsciously makes us feel happy.
  • But then I think this over again and realize (note: not relise) that the 'u' is not only unnecessary but should be pronounced differently: humooouur (a la French: amour). Crazy.
  • Of course I am a Canadian who visited England for a semester abroad so I am a total expert in accents and pronunciation. I broadcast, "Cheers" instead of thank you, call a sweater
  • a jumper and pooh-pooh all that is American. Yes, I an a right douche bag from the Great White North and proud of it. Too bad my
  • house, that was supposed to be in Canada, was in North Dakota instead. Some immigration guy told me that satellite surveys had determined I was living in the US without a passport
  • and would have to begin reintegration immediately. It was only then that I noticed that the guy was missing pupils. Quickly,
  • he tossed over his sunglasses. No one could ever know. No one should ever know. But he would have to live with it forever.


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