The committee was a conglomeration of nincompoops,

  • The committee was a conglomeration of nincompoops, busy bodies, and ne'er-do-wells. They were the puppet masters behind the movie ratings board.
  • The censorship committee played as strings to the puppet masters by only letting movies that provided a positive reflection of they regime. Citizens were unaware of the propaganda
  • because they were too busy acting like the weren't affected by the propaganda. Instead, they wound up mindlessly perpetuating it. These citizens were called hipsters.
  • They populated lakeview well enough it drove the poor people out.
  • Lakeview became a sterile gated "community" or rich man's ghetto. The Zuckermans, Ellisberg's Barfoz's, and Gutless's lived behind their monitor festuned iron fences
  • perusing catalogs for killer watchbots. The catalogs were in actual high gloss heavy stock paper. With the finest print runs still going. Killer watchbots were going to be big with
  • the kids this Xmas(tm), but everyone who was anyone had already started looking for the next superstar. You could barely get through a commercial cycle without someone jumping the
  • shark and leaving the Top of the Pops wide open for anyone with half a stick of talent to climb aboard for their 15 minutes of fame. There wasn't even time to make T-shirts before
  • the poor man's Tiny Tim hit the stage, "tip toe"-ing through his own metaphorical tulips for he was worth. I had to hand it to him, for a recently escaped mental patient, he was
  • keeping time and staying on-key. The audience, not expecting a novelty act, sat in silent shock—until a guy in the front chuckled. The psycho-Tiny clobbered him with his ukulele.


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