In his youth, Chuck said "an hr ironing is

  • In his youth, Chuck said "an hr ironing is a wasted hr", a life long bachelor, he discovered the Zen of Ironing in old age. "No 2 folds are alike. The Hindu Kush in my monday shirt
  • gave Chuck added pleasure to complete. Despite his senior years Chuck decided to start his own ironing service. He purchased industrial ironing presses so he could
  • make a living, seeing as how he could not seem to pass high school. Oh, he would press on with his ironing service. He would prove to all of his teachers that he could be a success
  • as a moderate ironer who could involve himself in the cultural template of service for money, despite his secret Extreme Ironing skills. A GRE meant nothing to him, nor did
  • the Secret Ironing Council. Pretentious jerks, refusing him membership just because he didn't like the new-model irons.. He'd show them. He'd show them all.
  • He would iron out the wrinkles in their old curmudgeony faces. John Smoltz, Secret Ironing Council president and Ironer of Shirts He's Currently Wearing, sniffed out his plan and
  • grabbed another tissue. "It snot my fault these shirts are covered with gooey stains!" he proclaimed to anyone who would listen. Of course that meant the staff at Shadyside Mental
  • ...Institute would have to fetch the cold spoon again, Rodger wouldn't take off his shirts without his cold spoon.
  • Rodger, stripped to the waist, held aloft his frigid spoon. "I will now show to you that 'I' am the magnetic man!" He slapped the spoon to his chest and let go. "Ta-dah!"
  • "No!" , yelled Magneto. " I am the magnetic man for I am MAGNETo!." He then took the spoon and slapped it to his chest, where it fell to the ground.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 29 2013 @ 11:53

    Such irony - MAGNETo loses the frigid spoon chest slap contest to John Rodger Smoltz, Ironer of Shirts He's Currently Wearing!

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