once upon a time

  • once upon a time
  • there was a really big horse named Jazzy.
  • he left prints on my bed
  • room window. How did he
  • scale Rapunzel's tower without benefit of her follicles? Could he really be Spider Man after all? Or was it simply
  • that the spider veins in his legs had fooled him? No, he was no Spider Man. He had simply been caught in his own web of deceit. The follicly-challeged Rapunzel would have to
  • wait for another prince because this bastard was taking the elevator to the top floor of "Hair Club For Men". There was no way he'd be climbing anywhere, but on a plastic surgeon's
  • table. The transformation was almost complete. No one would figure out who he was when he traveled back to his home town. His only regret
  • was the malformed nipple. Although it looked atrocious, at least he would be able to cover it with a shirt. His wife would understand. She would have to. The alternative was to
  • live a lie. But that was not happening, no siree. He flipped trough the phone book, looking for a nipple pride organization, dreaming of pride parades and nipple-palooza.


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