The room spun - not really, it was in his

  • The room spun - not really, it was in his head, but the net effect was the same: he lost his lunch on the old woman sitting next to him at the conference. The look of horror on her
  • maphroditic members of the audience went unregistered in his debilitated state. The transsexual sitting to his left asked "Is there a Dr. here? Two plastic surgeons came to his aid
  • and said, "How about Dr. Dre?" There was a lot of smoke. Then Dr. Dre took off his golden headphones and asked the transsexual, "What exactly can I do for you?"
  • The transsexual replied, "I want to be simply called Jack. Anything else is politically incorrect."
  • I stared into my Cheerios for a short while before I responded. " But your name is Steve" I pointed out, flicking milk against the countertop as I gestured with my spoon.
  • The level of my surprise to my own sudden boldness was amplified by the shocked looks on the faces of each and every one of my Cheerios.
  • Moments later, the Cheerios shrieked in horror as their companions were scooped up, lifted to the wide, gaping maw, and swallowed whole. "AHhh!" My stomach rumbled.
  • "We must save our brother Cheerios!" they yelled as they bravely leapt from the bowl, rolled up my arm and towards my mouth, bearing tiny ropes and pickaxes. I clamped my mouth
  • OPEN, I meant to say OPEN, hey what is going on here?! Why can't I say OPEN? I din't say open! I said OPEN. STOP THAT THAT... STOP! Ouch! With my mouth open the Cheerios got inside
  • and CHEERED! "We did it! We did it!" they screamed inside my mouth. Suddenly it all made sense. All I had to do was...CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH Drink milk. GULP. Swallow.


  1. PurpleProf May 04 2017 @ 22:49

    Steve, the cereal killer.

  2. PurpleProf May 04 2017 @ 22:51

    Wait...not Steve... Who was the cereal killer?

  3. SlimWhitman May 05 2017 @ 17:40

    Cheery story... somehow.

  4. Woab May 06 2017 @ 15:45

    The cereal killer may be Dr. Dre, but we don't have sufficient evidence.

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