She looked up at the two story brick building,

  • She looked up at the two story brick building, reading the rustic sign above the door that read "Minden High School". This was her first day of high school and
  • she felt nervous. Having lived in New York City up to junior high, she wondered what strange customs the locals would have. Minden High's mascot was the Wood Chuck who could chuck
  • a loud yell each time one of the football players would score a touchdown. The wood chuck had to yell a lot because Minden usually beat the other team by 10 points. However,
  • Bill Murray stopped the NFL woodchuck for his species identification card. Once he saw Chuck was far removed from gopherus andronicus, Bill took off in search of a bachelor party t
  • o wet his whistle. His best friend Steven was finally getting hitched. Bill should have been his best man, but he'd been too busy chasing gophers and woodchucks.
  • That's the life of the lonely greens keeper. Chasing varmints and picking up stray balls. Not a lot of single lady action at the country club. But Bill liked it that way, free to
  • do what ever he pleased without anyone bothering him. Even though
  • he bothered everyone else. Not that he gave a damn. He thought the universe revolved around him. Look up the word "narcissist" in a dictionary & you'd see his picture.
  • Every time you were stuck in a confined space with him, you would try to start up conversation with you. Usually it was about his perfect hair or perfect teeth
  • . He would gaze at you as you chatted on about him with yourself without including him in the conversation. Eventually he stopped joining you in the cupboard under the stairs.


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