Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό

  • Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό στην πολυτεία των θαμάτων ήταν ένας χιονάνθρωπος και ένας δράκος. Καθώς ο δράκος πήγαινε στη γιαγιά του είδε τον χιονάνθρωπο λυπημένο και τον ρώτησε:"Γιατί
  • Ο χιονάνθρωπος του απάντησε επειδή έχασε το σκυλάκι του τότε ο δράκος του είπε με βροντερή φωνή:”θα πάμε να το βρούμε” κι εκείνος έβγαλε ένα χαμόγελο έως τα αυτιά. Την άλλη μέρα
  • που ξύπνησε ο χιονάνθρωπος, βγήκε στο δρόμο κι άρχισε να τρέχει, φωνάζοντας το όνομα από το σκυλάκι. Σπιθάκο, πού είσαι; Οδράκος όμως αρχισε να πετα ψηλα κοιτώντας κάτω. Τότε...
  • the dragon turned its head and swooped down to the snowman. The snowman's dog, Σπιθάκο, barked at the dragon. It was a Mexican stand-off.
  • "You're the man now, dog!" exclaimed Frosty. "That dog won't hunt!" snorted the dragon. "Until the last dog dies!" barked Enrico. "Why not let sleeping dogs lie!" begged Frosty.
  • "Don't dog me. I can't doodoo the impawsible" said the Dog. "Dogone. A talking canine!" said dragon."His Bark is worse than his bite though" said Frosty. Enrico.itched behind his
  • frosty ears. Pretty soon Enrico would turn into a pupsicle. "Know what's even better than a talking canine? A spelling bee!" That melted Frosty's heart. Dragon huffed and puffed
  • and blew the house down with howling laughter. "You know I can't handle puns!" the dragon wheezed, nearly keeling over. "Sorry," Enrico snickered. "I'll stop HOUNDING you."
  • Just then, Otto the bartender entered the room with meanie martinis for everyone. "This will ease tensions so the Queen can sleep undisturbed. It's only 3am!", he told them. Then
  • the Grand Inquisitor made a surprise visit. "Your Holiness," stammered Otto "We were about to serve the Queen strawberries, and sing the national anthem together! -Hic- it, guys!"


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 28 2016 @ 17:20

    Once upon a time in the state of Wonderland was a snowman and a dragon. As the dragon was going to his grandmother he saw a sad snowman and asked: "Why so sad?" The Snowman replied because he lost his dog. Then the dragon said with a loud voice: "We're going to find it" and he smiled from ear to ear. The next day the Snowman woke and he came out on the street and began to run, shouting the name of the dog. "Spithako, where are you?" But Odrakos [Ed: the dragon?] started to fly high looking down. Then... I changed the gender of the snowman, but maybe it was a snowwoman?

  2. Dhanithecat Feb 28 2016 @ 17:43

    Why not a snowwoman? ~~}

  3. IceSquad Feb 29 2016 @ 17:28

    You mean those funny looking symbols DON'T spell Enrico?

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