I am a buissnes man, my name is Omega and

  • I am a buissnes man, my name is Omega and I like to do buissnes related activities 98% of the day, the other 2% I like to do things involving fast and quick
  • Pace when im getting
  • salsa, it's my favorite brand. However, I opened up a a bistro in New York city, I recieved death threats from the company. They claimed I stole their secret recipe. Salsa hitmen
  • showed up at my door step the next day and I quickly jumped out the back window. As the hitmen pursued me, I dove into the sewer to find myself soon wrestling an alligator. Then,
  • there was an enormous slug. It's slimy secretions covered me. It's jellylike mass rolled over me & I felt like I was suffocating, but then I remember the salt pellets in my pocket
  • so I pulled them out and tore off the tops, sprinkling a little salt over the slugs body. He then began to
  • to tear the wings off flies. We were engaging in youthful torture of small creatures. At first they felt goofy, but then the sweet evil formed a bond between them and
  • they felt goofily evil, like Tim Curry. Tearing wings off flies was just the start of their goofy evilness. Their next wacky, sinister plan was
  • to to lead the children out of town by the intricately evil but wacky scheme having street performers sing sub-standard renditions of Cher-songs. This resulted in the City Council
  • passing a law that half-breeds counted for two demographics and should therefore pay twice as many taxes but vote less. "Ah, they're just poor," the politicians said.


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