Oh No! Here comes dirty Dick in his dirty

  • Oh No! Here comes dirty Dick in his dirty dirt dump truck! Splatch!
  • Sissy's dress was covered in mud. Inviting Dirk to the her tea party had been a bad idea. Raggedy Anne got her fierce look and Barbie twisted her head backwards, always a bad omen.
  • Dirk smashed Sissy's tea set and she began to cry. "Mooooom!" Their mother came into the bedroom and tsk tsked. "Children, you need to learn to solve your own problems." Then she
  • whipped Sissy unendingly. Mom wouldn't dare whip Dirk - he's 7 ft. tall and plays for the Dallas Mavericks. Plus he's German, and you just never know what they have up their sleeve
  • or behind their backs. Sissy had often envied Dirk his position in the Mavericks. Of course, she wasn't anywhere near as tall as him, but she felt she had a hidden talent for
  • dancing gracefully in cowboy gear. She wouldn't look ridiculous at all in a supermarket. She loved both types of music, country and
  • noise. She was also a big fan of Schoenberg, and tried to bring his atonal styling to her wardrobe. She called it the "twelve materials system". It meant that when she got dressed
  • to go out, she knew she was more likely to attract serial monogamists than a lifelong soul-mate, but this suited her pragmatic character and even had its advantages, such as
  • constraining her annual expenses on anniversary gifts, birthday presents, and insurance policies. (The savings over just one decade helped her finance the bungalow on St. Croix.)
  • She followed her life dream and opened up a studio for interruptive dance. Her students would perform during sessions of congress and church services. Nobody understood her art.


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