The Lazy Suzanne trundled more heavily than

  • The Lazy Suzanne trundled more heavily than usual. A flour bag, a cookie tin & a bag of english muffins rolled by, but then as it slowed a small shriveled human head came into view
  • . Of the raffle prizes I could choose from, a shrunken human head was a bit odd. I was going to go for the flour, but Miss Peterson beat me to it. When the head winked at me, I
  • chucked my chin at it, just out of sheer habit. Then I realized I'd just acknowledged the winking shrunken head. Then it puckered its lips at me & waggled its tongue. Gingerly I
  • entered the rotted doorway to the Museum of the Quang Plague and placed the shunken head on top of the donation box as payment. As I slowly walked through the abandoned hallways
  • hoping that someone had laid out some snacks on the tables placed against the walls. To my dismay, there was no food provided, just various human remains: small piles of bones,
  • an earlobe or two, a scalp. I yelled "Nasty! What's for dinner?" The doors slammed shut and a voice replied "You are." I heard a scratching, a scraping over the stone floor. Then
  • what? I tell you what. I yelled, "what's for dessert?" My mom eyed me with a disgusting glare and raised her finger and said, "Tsk. Tsk." Eww that burned me up. I needed my
  • phone badly. I needed to sit and stare at it for hours doing things with my thumbs. It was my way of coping with Mom. She was driving me insane. No phone! No dessert! With feigned
  • interest, I stared at the book in front of me without absorbing anything. I wanted my phone so I could make my monthly quota of texts and complain about my desperate situation. Woe
  • is me I thought as I endured the passage of time, localized and disconnected. Where's my damn implant? I hadn't spoken, but a guy with a guitar winked. "We can hear you, you know."


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