There she was. Wentl. A perfect little O

  • There she was. Wentl. A perfect little O of green fur, her tail wrapped demurely around her pink, scaly nose. Dgorf didn't want to wake her, so he
  • tip-toed on his giant tentacles. Then Dgorf saw Frogd, his anti-matter nemesis. He'd arrived from Seventh Quark Legion and was itchin' to fight. The aggrobrations woke Wentl
  • who wound up in bed with Ltnew, HIS antimatter nemesis. He was that neutral about getting along. Wentl and Ltnew watched the terrific fight between Dgorf and the antimatter Frogd,
  • It appeared that every crew member had acquired an antimatter evil twin. Even Lionel, who was playing Pokemon TCG with Lenoil. Dgorf suddenly ripped Frogd's evil moustache
  • off and pasted it on the backside of Oirt, Troi's evil counterpart, who was most definitely NOT wearing a pantsuit and most certainly WAS streaking about the bridge, trying to
  • make a traffic jam with his jellylicious physique. "With Oirt's shenanigans, no cars can make it to my car wash's grand opening," said Troi, whose short jorts and sudsy water pined
  • for a little orange marmalade. Looks like Troi's car wash grand opening was washed up, while Oirt was giving out samples of his famous condiment, Traffic Jam. Oirt's Traffic Jam
  • was comprised mostly of Oirt's toejam. Had Troi known this, she wouldn't have purchased a metric ton of the condiment following her devastating business failure, spreading the
  • jam on toast was how she survived during her Ch. 11.Then she had an idea. "I'll mix this goop with alcohol and fill an atomizer." She called her expensive facial 'Oirt's cloud
  • And farted on their heads the end !!????????


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