They stood around awkwardly as thoughts flashed

  • They stood around awkwardly as thoughts flashed through her mind. *Don't react. It's okay. Just act natural.* She'd dealt with smaller varieties before, but a true micro?
  • *Maybe if I don't move, everything will be okay. Maybe it hasn't seen me yet.* Her eyes danced around. Just then a breeze blew through, and the micro sailed through the air onto
  • the macro. She watched it. Well, it did see her. She grabbed the Angelic Fly swatter and uttered those three words.
  • "Perrimus, Madarus, Cassicus." Instantly, the Angelic Fly froze in midair. She hit it hard with the swatter. Another one dead. She only needed four more for the flight potion.
  • Swat.Swat.Swat.Swat. Four dead fly's, and suprisingly, a wasp. She pocket the flies and looked at her list. The heart of a virgin and a Robin's egg were all that left. She quickly
  • went around asking girls if they were virgins. "What's a virgin?" "You'll do." "EEEEAAACK-gurgleglub" She stuck the heart into her fanny pack. But the robin's egg she needed was
  • in a memory she didn't choose to keep. He offered that the they could take the question, hot as it is, straight to his missing set of ribs. We found them under the altar churning o
  • ut Eve after Eve. We gaped as they exited the tabernacle chanting:The Earth is ours to inherit... Our minds conjured a world with speed limits of 10 mph, & unliftable toilet seats
  • but in the end, when they had won, it turned out to be a world where if people couldn't be nice, they just went home. No more wars, but not much import/export, either. Still, it
  • Was okay with the average Joe if they dealt with rudeness , with grace under pressure. Professor Ziti applauded this new beginning. It cured his wife's spider veins.


  1. LordVacuity Jan 18 2018 @ 00:20

    but getting back to that Robin's egg. So yeah, Terry said he would help us out without charging his outrageous fee and we had it all worked out over a Rueben and a beer. Problem solved. She got her egg and I got my ninth wife.

  2. LordVacuity Jan 18 2018 @ 00:22

    Oh, and Terry got all my business until he got indicted. Then I gave him the business.

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