Det. Manatee knew the arsonist was either

  • Det. Manatee knew the arsonist was either a man with gender issues or a woman, because a CD with Alicia Keys' "Girl on Fire" was glued to the curb in front of each burned out
  • 2 1/2 door 3 wheeled saloon with large opening rear window. Det. Manatee scribbled 'Late model Reliant Robin ?' in his trusty notebook with a black pen he had been given by the hot
  • el receptionist. He might have a chance there - it was a nearly new biro. Dragging his massive mind back to the problem, he kicked the Reliant Robin. Ouch! It's body was pure gold!
  • Reliant Robin was what Batman called it. The unfortunate earlier Robin was human. This Robin had been cast in gold, it would always be "there."
  • Batman was really fond of his Reliant Robin gold statue. When he needed "me-time," Batman would tell potential guests, "If the Robin is a-rocking, don't come a-knocking."
  • This really pissed Robin off. "You're abusing the Reliant Robin gold statue Batman." He would whine. Batman would just giggle maniacally in response. "I mean it Batman! People are
  • sick and tired of seeing your gold, self-aggrandized face lording it over Gotham City from high on your marble pedestal!" Gold statue Batman snickered quietly as Robin kicked at
  • The broken axe that Dr. Strangelove used to prove that he alone knew the secret behind the failed bomb teat that Batman and Robin were investigating undercover. Disguised as
  • Darren and Elizabeth Stevens of Morning Glory Court, on their honeymoon. They convinced the local constabulary that they were experts on bomb teats and described the litter it was
  • meant to feed: a patch of jungle in Korea. How it ended up in London? Darren mused, He suspected his mother-in-law, but just this once he let Sam disarm the clutch with witchcraft.


  1. LordVacuity Nov 03 2017 @ 11:21

    Doh! Yes, I meant Samantha. Thanks for fixing that for me Slim.

  2. SlimWhitman Nov 03 2017 @ 13:51

    Yes, I was checking some old Elizabeth Montgomery films - an easy mistake to slip into. Just blame Endora for tripping you up.

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