An eye for an eye...

  • An eye for an eye...
  • is the principle that a person who has injured another person is penalised to a similar degree, or the victim receives compensation. Peace on the West Bank, in Palestine is unlikel
  • y to be the next Christmas Card slogan at Hallmark. But that did not stop Ted from trying. Ted had a soft spot for the Yuletide and Palestine. He loved the way Christmas lights dec
  • orated the Wailing Wall. That's it! Ted's Hallmark card slogan would be: "Al-Buraqing around the Christmas Tree" & show children stuffing their Christmas lists into the crevices.
  • 50 elves unloaded ships daily at the back door. They worked in shifts in exchange for food. They loved the tea and crumpets served daily at 3pm and 3am.
  • That that was the only meals they were allowed might go a long way to explain why they loved it so much. Then one day there only 48 elves unloading the ships. The next day, only 43
  • The elves were being eaten by the ships crew. The remaining elves decided to form the Elvish Liberation Front (E.L.F) and vowed to slaughter the carnivorous crew, one by one.
  • Elandriar was momentarily paralyzed with horror as one of the scruffy human seafarers chewed on the ear of his podmate Arduinor, and then put ketchup on it! "The meat is sweeter
  • with condiments!" the barbarian explained, munching delightfully on the ear. Elandrair Snapped out of it and decided his comrade deserved a proper burial, not to be food- for THEM!
  • So we doused him with Hollandaise sauce and heaps of cilantro. "Ew," said the barbarian, "that crap tastes like soap." So Elandrair set the corpse on fire and sent it to Valhalla.


  1. ToastMech Oct 10 2019 @ 01:07

    Rip Elandriar

  2. ToastMech Oct 10 2019 @ 02:10

    oops, i mean rip Arduinor

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