Faster than a speeding photon. Less massive

  • Faster than a speeding photon. Less massive than a electron. Able to pass through a million lightyears of lead without interacting. Is it quark? Is it a WIMP? No its Capt Neutrino!
  • Captain Neutrino zoomed thru the galaxy each week in search of villainy to pass through. With his trusty sidekick, Higgs the Boson,
  • Prof. Brian Cox and a piano bar musician. The musician operated a complex sound phaser for Captain Neutrino whilst serving cocktails to Higgs the Boson
  • Bassoon Player. The musician kicked off with "Rocket Man" for Captain Neutrino. Prof. Brian Cox ordered a drink, that's when he saw her-the dead girl, the one he found in the
  • river by the trees and bushes face first in the water it kind of looked like she was trying to float.
  • My mind immediately flashed back to swimming lessons at the YMCA, when my dad shoved me into the water to teach me to swim. "Don't worry, you'll float!" I never forgave him for
  • He didn't deserve dad of the year but he was my dad. For me to be so selfish while I hear stories of girls who have no father I resent mine for teaching me to swim. What's wrong
  • with doggy paddling? I asked him this, but all I got in reply was a frown and extra laundry duties. The next day I was doing laps in the pool: backstroke, butterfly stroke,
  • breast stroke, etc. and he came around to watch. He wore a silver speedo, which was not a good look on him. Eyeing him uncomfortably, I waited for him to ask me. I swam to the edge
  • & I wish I'd been more surprised when he pulled a half drowned muskrat out of his speedos. Before he could ask, I dived down to the bottom of the pool with the muskrat.


  1. KieferSkunk Oct 25 2014 @ 20:56

    I can say, with certainty, that reading this while inebriated is one of the most random experiences of my life. :)

  2. SlimWhitman Oct 26 2014 @ 05:17

    So Capt. Neutrino wears a drowned muskrat down his silver speedos? I'm confused too.

  3. lucielucie Oct 26 2014 @ 09:54

    I've never actually seen a muskrat but I liked the sound of the name. I just googled them & they are larger than I thought. Maybe a water vole would have been Less confusing.

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