The water bubbled, like outta some kinda

  • The water bubbled, like outta some kinda sci fi movie, and Martha just stared at it, certain that if she stared long enough, Devin would crawl back out. She could still taste
  • the acidic ash that had billowed from the pool. Something in it smelled like Devin, but the taste in her mouth was a nuclear shadow of her husband; black and tragic and gone.
  • Didn't matter. No more hanging on heart strings. She had to survive. She grabbed the crucifix around her neck and held it up. Red light shone down on it and it melted, burning
  • a hole through her skin revealing a glowing sacred heart. Oh, Jesus, she muttered, now I look like bad church tat. Tat for tit, just my luck. Son of God or no, the kid had to
  • rock this town? rock it inside out? So the glistening glowing heart pounded like a monsoon in southeast asia. Suddenly, I had to run for the toilet
  • but that toilet was fast, before i knew what was happening it had gathered speed and was gone inti the hot dusty night, why did this stuff always happen to me, i looked around and
  • I found no place to poop. No bushes, nothing. Why did this always have to happen to me?!? All I can say is that desperate times call for desperate measures. So I
  • dug a shallow hole, swallowed my pride, and did the deed. Before I could stand up from the awkward squatting position, however, I heard
  • a snap and noticed the candy stick had melted onto the hood of my car and she was playing guitar hero with my long lost pubic hair poster.Mozart would have cringed at the thought
  • When he awoke, it was 4 a.m. His head was killing him. He would never, ever again drink whatever the hell it was he drank. Nope. Time to get up. Face the world. Bah. zzzzzzzzzzzzz


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