Several things were wrong with Tony and Lila's

  • Several things were wrong with Tony and Lila's relationship. Lila, fresh off her gap year in Prague, often lamented Tony's lack of ambition and his bad sense of irony.
  • Tony, who'd worked as a cashier for the last year, often complained about Lila's terrible money management, her wild clothing and her obsession with Prague. They lived together and
  • were always shifting between passionate arguing and passionate love. It was a strange relationship, but they made it work. At least until Lila's obsession with Prague led them to
  • vacation in Warsaw, Iowa. They left after two weeks disappointed that there hadn't been any besieged ghettos they could watch smolder. That trip put Lila off Prague but hooked her
  • On to the new history lesson based on how the ancient ones lived. Seminole, Wisconsin was the new train of thought. The River Dance began.
  • The audience heard the surge of Irish pipes, followed by the leaping of dancers in tights. They were in shock, not knowing what to make of things. Then, Michael Flattely took the s
  • ign and leered at the audience. Raise your hand if you are a leprechaun, it read. Slowly a hand here, a hand there began to rise. Melissa began to wonder if she, too,
  • was a leprechaun. Of course! The penchant for green sparkly suits and the ever-present urge to hide pots of gold! Why hadn't Melissa realized before that she was one of them?
  • Because she'd been dazed by the enchantment of leprechauns.Sure she wore glittery green pantsuits,but Melissa's rainbow was a high powered flood light and the pot of gold contained
  • unimaginable riches. Still, as Melissa stood there for all the world to admire, she couldn't help thinking about how empty she really felt & how much she desired true worth.


  1. ValkyrieGrrl Aug 07 2018 @ 04:56

    I don't know who is responsible for ruining more passionate relationships and otherwise enjoyable trips to Prague; unexpected leprechauns in glittery green pants suits or the sudden presence of Michael Flatley (odds are, also wearing a glittery green pantsuit).

  2. LordVacuity Aug 07 2018 @ 17:33

    I bet her shoes fit well, though.

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