Lane woke to his cell phone buzzing by his

  • Lane woke to his cell phone buzzing by his ear. He yawned and flipped it open. There was a new text from a blocked number. He opened and read it. "Did u 4get something?" It read.
  • Lane was sure he had not forgotten anything. He probed the deepest crannies of his mind but found nothing there. "Alas" he thought, "I'm all set". He got out of bed and
  • as he was looking for two socks that would match, he noticed something written on the wall next to the door: "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID". With goosebumps all over his body, he
  • looked quickly around the room. That writing hadn't been on the wall just seconds ago. He looked at it again. "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID". What could he have done this time? Was it the
  • oretically possible that he had unleashed The Singularity with that last bit of code he'd hammered out last night? He opened up his browsing notes and saw "YOU BUILT IT. I CAME."
  • and under this note, a small illustration of a robot lying in bed, vaping. Repulsed, he threw his keyboard against the wall and ran wildly into the cornfields, disoriented and
  • terrified. Could he unsee what he had seen? The stalks of corn beat against his face as he ran, like the thrash of flagellation, and he opened himself up to the delicious misery of
  • religious persecution. How better to argue that any feat is righteous when done for your household gods when your whole Weltanschauung is one of always being under an iron foot.
  • Iron feet have their uses, especially in the water and wind temples. You'll need to complete five stages of the trading quest to get a pair. Descend underwater to B1 to obtain the
  • iron feet. At this level you’ll find nylons, girdles, and lingerie, so get some cute items to accessorize. Restrooms and Customer Service are in the back corner. We aim to please.


  1. LordVacuity Apr 07 2021 @ 15:50

    https://foldingstory.com/wttiz/ I'm just saying.

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