Powell Austen was a double accounting agent.

  • Powell Austen was a double accounting agent. That is he was a mild-mannered accountant posing as a secret agent. He checked that he wasn't followed to the park & opened his ledger.
  • It read: Calibrate Calculator. He drew a checkmark. Rewatch Austin Powers Films. He smiled and drew another checkmark. Infiltrate Prof. Mayhem's Network. He scowled. Powell looked
  • up at the brief. "Oh what now?" Powell whined. He was already watching TV and didn't want to be bothered. He didn't need to read the brief. Rumsfeld had put a powerpoint together
  • and he always illustrated it rather well. He pouted, but really Rumsfeld was becoming involved in the characters of Rumsfeld's .ppt allegorical love story. Grand Old Patty wanted
  • to write the characters herself not Rumsfeld. So determined she
  • took the pencil between her teeth and leaned toward the paper. The letters came too slow for the thoughts. She screamed at everyone to leave her alone! She would practice
  • Her firearm skills later at home in her basement She was tired of being made fun of for chewing on pencils they would all pay. but first she had some delectable erasers to munch on
  • Erasers are like wine. You can get your dollar store variety, but they lack texture. Depending upon when and where they were stored impacted the flavor as well. She preferred used
  • rubbers especially the type that came in funny shapes: turtles with no noses, dogs with no tails. But he was a new man and only new stationery would do; and so she left at sunrise.
  • He never forgave her. And when he retired from the stationery store he took his revenge, mailing a fresh and unblemished eraser to her apartment every day, till at 80 he passed on.


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