“Bang! BANG! BANG!” A man

  • “Bang! BANG! BANG!” A man came out of the bushes holfing a gun while running. Annabeth screamed as if her lungs would burst
  • as the man slowed to a halt, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling into her an intense kiss.
  • Before his lips could reach hers, she kneed him in the groin, stole the million dollar briefcase, and headed to the airport to live out her days on a distant relative's private isl
  • private island. It was a great life. Hot girls wherever she went, no males at all. She had sex with every single one of them. Yes, living like a millionaire was amazing... right?
  • But not nearly as amazing as being a millionaire. She could sell her private island and become one, or stay poor but in possession of an exquisite island. She consulted the fishy
  • king of the island who advised her to rent her private island out. That way she could maintain her possession of the island and be on her way to becoming a millionaire. Trezelda
  • did not take the king's advice however, and chose to turn her island into a disco casino called Cash Atoll. Trezelda poured every penny of her savings into building the tasteless
  • Campy Hipster Camp for the young idle rich, mostly nobility. Which only left the Royal Garage for Prince Lout. That was cool with Lout. Let his sisters have their islands. He had a
  • cavernous 1-car Royal Garage to himself! Prince Lout would make the garage into a Royal Man Cave! That is until he entered one day & saw the king’s Royal Rolls Royce inside. Angry,
  • Prince Lout defiled the Royal Rolls Royce’s cashmere seats with human filth. Then he raged to the castle in time to hear the King say, “How do you like the car, Son? It’s yours!”


  1. LordVacuity May 16 2020 @ 14:57

    Be careful Jimbeau, your O' Henry is showing. I love it.

  2. TarotGuy May 16 2020 @ 17:01

    Brilliant ending, Jimbeau! Wish I had written that one!

  3. Jimbeau May 16 2020 @ 21:15

    Why, thank you, TarotGuy, but let me assure you, I am here because I enjoy reading what you and many others write . Especially now, during this pandemic, I have found FoldingStory the best place to go to escape for a few hours.

  4. Woab May 20 2020 @ 16:28

    We've certainly been doing a lot of folding, here! I can hardly keep up with all the new stories. It's great.

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