It was dawn, 10 years ago, when I realized

  • It was dawn, 10 years ago, when I realized I would never see her again. I knew I was fooling myself, it would never work. I mean, she wasn't even human, she was
  • a pet rock. She had the most beautiful set of googly eyes I had ever seen. But she was from a higher class family. Never would she pay me any mind. I decided to change that one day
  • I wanted to be good enough for a pet rock with googly eyes. I worked my way up gradually. Taking a interest in pebbles, I sorted the ones in our driveway according to their color,
  • shape, & socioecenomic status. I was not an equal opportunity rock sorter, oh no. I only wanted nice round white rocks from which to choose for my googly eyed pet rock. I threw
  • the letter of complaint from the Council for Rock Inclusion aside brusquely. I would never sully my pet rock collection with schist. No gnarly rocks! I lovingly stuck google eyes o
  • n my mother's forehead while she slept off last night's Monday night football party. My mother woke up late for work. She dressed quickly and did not notice the "googly eyes" on he
  • r face (not to mention the blue paint). She might've been confused by the strange glances of passerby as she walked to work. Mom was going to mad when she realized what we'd done.
  • "Give me back my wig!", she told her lover. Daniel wore the wig when crossdressing. She dscovered this one night when she returned home early. Hound Dog Taylor entered with her.
  • He left with her as well. This has been documented. He, however, did not reach the outside with her. He was deemed "far out" on the scene by a high Hippie calling an audible. Play
  • continued but was glaringly muted as everybody considered their own carnality. "We're just meat with names," observed The Diddler as he diddled his diddle. Just meat, afterall.


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