"Aye..it's an inside job ye idiot!" Sean

  • "Aye..it's an inside job ye idiot!" Sean Magnum nearly puncuated his line with a firm slam in the back of Jer's head but the door started banging wildly. "They caught us!" Kevin sa
  • But it was too late for them, as the wooden door was slammed down on the flor. Dark suites persons entered the room, grimly as they holded nothing else but a gun. They found them.
  • Death was nearly at hand; a gun in the enemy's and none in the victims'. They curled up on the motel floor, ready to accept the fate of a bullet through the head. Then blood spilt.
  • Thankfully it was not theirs but the unlucky stray cat they had taken in on a whim begrudgingly letting it have their left over fries. Saved by the stray they rolled safely out th
  • rough the revolving doors. Luckily for the doorman, the biggest of them, probably the father, did not even need a push this time. The cats feasted on the fries and the big man
  • touched the cat. But no, the cat did NOT like this! It arched its back and pounced on the man. It then lunged and scratched his face, and now he was bleeding to death, horribly.
  • Sammy the Siamese told me this is what a human gets for refusing Sammy his favourite food. It was on sale at Petsmart and there was no excuse. The man died and I was arrested.
  • I knew my story was not gonna fly so I kept my mouth shut other than to ask for my lawyer, Pammy the Siamese. As his conjoined twin Pammy knew all of Sammy's business. All of it.
  • And it disgusted her. "Help me frame Sammy," I begged my attorney Pammy, "and I will see to it that the two of you get the operation you need to be rid of him once and for all!"
  • Pammy smiled. " If we frame Sammy, how will we explain it to Franny?" Pammy's point perplexed Penny, and the surgery, scheduled Sunday to separate Sonny and her Siamese


  1. LordVacuity Jan 02 2018 @ 17:05


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