QUICK! Turn on the TV! The first sentence

  • QUICK! Turn on the TV! The first sentence you hear is the next line of this story. GO!
  • "There we go, there we go, there. Oh, we're given birth!"
  • Cried Agnes, the eldest nanny goat, at her sister Clover, who was new at giving birth. Agnes had done it nine times, so she was well-versed in kidding around.
  • Nine kids may not seem like much but when you consider she had them all in a span of only 3 years then you can see the big whoop. Still, Clover didn't appreciate Agnes's advice.
  • But at this point, Clover started having amnesia. She wasn't quite sure why she was asking Agnes advice in the first place. And then, all of a sudden, Clover
  • got a grip and realized that she and Agnes were being herded right into the abatoir! Clover grabbed Agnes by the ear and pulled her to a weak point in the fence through which they
  • got the hell out of Dodge. They stole some clothes off a line, & did their best to blend into urban life. Luckily it was NY, so the sight of 2 cows riding the subway didn't elicit
  • any surprise. However, as this situation isn't normal, they encountered a bit of trouble once they reached
  • the bus stop, where they waited for what seemed like some long duration beyond time itself because of their fear of what might crystallize out of the slightest conversation. Bus 48
  • never pulled up to the stop. The commuters waited in stony silence for hours, days, weeks - finally, all that was left of them was a morose, grey garden of skeletal statues.


  1. Woab Sep 30 2019 @ 15:16

    Killer ending, Bunnycookies! I guess the bus driver wouldn't stop for livestock.

  2. SlimWhitman Oct 02 2019 @ 15:16

    Did the bus stop look like a Georgia O'Keeffe?

  3. Woab Oct 02 2019 @ 15:20

    Yes, a Georgia O'Keeffe surrounded by a morose, grey garden of skeletal statues. Heavy, man...

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