A John Kerry Vietnam vet, his sentiments

  • A John Kerry Vietnam vet, his sentiments on war can be summarized by the following: “Killing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity.” That probably seems crass, but it’s on his
  • headstone at the memorial. There's a cup for flowers but instead people fill it up with King Cobra and Pork Cracklin's. It's the right way to honor him but now there's this
  • memorial song on YouTube dedicated to him called, "It's So Cold in the D." Every time I hear it, tears well up in my eyes as I
  • pull out all of my body hair with medical tape. I hated that song and had to distract myself with much more tolerable pain. Which reminds me of any show on Logo
  • but especially The A List, a collection of the most shallow and unsympathetic characters since "Judy Garland's Parenting Tips for Working Moms." At least Judy was interesting.
  • This bitch is droaning on and on about the same shit I read when I was three. Good night, who does a rabbit have to screw around here to get some good gardening advice?
  • I can feel my gaze wandering down to her tits as she rambles on in some elementary rhyme about a hippo or a train or whateverthefuck, and I can feel my interest piquing in a way
  • by the reference to hippos. Her hips were wide and their were a few folds of skin riding on them. She noticed me gaping at the chasm between her breasts and gave me a
  • post-it note that read "Hot Carl". So I knew she wanted to wear the remnants of last nights pot roast and collared beans. The only problem that arose was the lack of
  • a gravy boat and ladle. I held out my hands, full of stewed carrots, in a gesture meant to show my love. Slowly, she raised my hands to her mouth.


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