Once upon a time, there was a dolphin in

  • Once upon a time, there was a dolphin in the ocean, his name was Johny. He had two tails.... and not being a fox that knows a hedghog, he had no place in life... He had to fix
  • his girlfriend's car. That was hard. Especially for a dolphin. But what was he to do? His girlfriend was amazing. However, she was a hedgehog.
  • which was an upgrade from his last gf (she was a porcupine - hard to hug). His mother kept asking when he was going to settle down with a nice dolphin girl, preferably a blue
  • dolphin fish but there was only one girl his mother had in mind and she wasn't his type. It's not that she wasn't pretty, her fin stuck upright and her skin glossed she just had
  • pearly white chompers. When he stared into her dark gleaming eyes, he got all shivery, but not in a good way. There were plenty of other fish in the sea. Why her?
  • If he could have shrugged, he would have, but being a fish he just gilled equilibriously. He liked anglerfish and that was that. Ofcourse he kept his distance from his beloved.
  • Not a day would pass where he didn't see her. He made sure of that. He would hide in coral formations waiting for her to pass or camouflage himself in seaweed on the ocean bed
  • When the octopuses went to their garden. Normally octopuses were camouflaged but she was not. Her lovely colours were like South Sea Blue ink, long discontinued. He loved octopuses
  • & she pretended to enjoy knowing that about him. She faked surprise even though everybody knew she had predicted flying zombie dolphins with Tommy gun toting Letharios on a bender.
  • Yawning, she cast her tuna nets to the skies and soon all the flying zombie dolphins were caught. "Filets... filets..." they muttered mindlessly as she exorcised them back to Heck.


  1. pupypup Oct 19 2017 @ 00:08

    wow, tales dolphin is a player! first a porcupine, then a hedgehog, then an anglerfish, then an octopus? and then after a zombie apocalypse, his octopus girlfriend takes up fishing... for her boyfriend.

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