I grill your unadorned kielbasa with a Dick

  • I grill your unadorned kielbasa with a Dick de Cocks cow dung smoked kraut." Without his mashimo, Max had no choice but to skedaddle. The troll next door had his precious orbs!
  • Tralala, the troll, pickled Max's balls & placed them for display on his mantle as a conversation piece. Tralala's friends were envious,for Max's enchanted balls brought good luck
  • to all fishmongers who picked flowers which, of course, all of them were. So, to get the enchanted balls, they devised a plan using the chocolate jubilee that Tralala had just made
  • from peanut butter, Hershey's syrup and Chex mix. Tralala was like that. She could whip up a crazy snack at the drop of a hat. The enchanted balls were ripe for them to pluck.
  • And pluck they did. They plucked and clucked. It was poultry in motion. Tralala's enchanted balls were very popular. They were cheap and easy, so everyone got a taste, even
  • man's man Steve McManaman, who fancied himself quite the ball aficionado. Steve sampled Tralala's enchanted balls and found that despite his better judgment, he'd quite quickly
  • switched from being a man's man to Tralala's man. As long as Tralala kept the enchanted balls powered up 110%, Steve MacManaman stayed devoted. But when supplies of crystallised gi
  • Nger were hijacked by flying monkeys, the humans who used them were most upset. The flying monkeys couldn't be arrested for their deed and lived happily ever after. Tralala was put
  • on the last bus out of town. It finally came, about 4 a.m. and Tralala was happy to be able to get some sleep. By 4pm the next day, Tralala reached Gargoyle City and found a place
  • to squat. It was on top of a tall building, and Tralala's coworkers welcomed their new gargoyle rookie, on the first day of Tralala's job.


  1. SlimWhitman Aug 30 2016 @ 04:03

    Here's part one of the priceless orb saga: http://foldingstory.com/2uydj/

  2. Woab Aug 30 2016 @ 11:06

    Tralala proved to be a consistant character all the way through!

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