To be immortal, Anna tried to reduce herself

  • To be immortal, Anna tried to reduce herself to something abstract: 13. You can't kill 13. Anna walked under ladders on Fridays, then broke mirrors with black cats, but that caused
  • some problems. Being abstract, she couldn't actually walk under ladders or break mirrors. She didn't actually exist, really. And when one doesn't exist, immortality becomes hard...
  • unless, of course, you are dating a scientist. She discovered that her very existence could, in fact, be verified by ambiguous formulas & research methods. Stan made her "real."
  • The only problem occurred when Stan used her proof of existence as the basis for his PhD thesis. Other scientist refuted his efforts and she started to fade.
  • That was because her sense of self was directly linked to her husband's success. It was a neat little trick she learned from her mom. Stan needed to win this science
  • prize because she wanted him to & she wanted him to win it because he wanted to win it for her. When Stan received the letter that he had won the Science Prize, their heads explode
  • -d, first with finger motions & "pshhh" sounds, then literally. They wrapped up two blobs from the mess in plastic wrap & put them on their necks. She thought Stan's Science Prize
  • Was worthy of mentioning on Facebook, as it meant Stan actually won something for once. He had played poker and the lottery, but never had any luck and eventually became ordinary.
  • But now that he was selling Jerseys on the Mersey Fairy he had the money to go visit Mrs. Porter who was having issues with her daughter's penchant for washing her feet in soda wat
  • ,since Soda Wat was still in early testing and far from ready for human Trials.He knew the daugher's feet were gone by now,but he might be able to at least "console" her sexy mom.


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