Cranberry the Cat ate Dolly the Duckling

  • Cranberry the Cat ate Dolly the Duckling with some apple sauce. Damian the Dog ate Cranberry the Cat with Dijon mustard. Felix the Fox ate Damian the Dog with celeriac remoulade
  • "Stop this madness!" Stanley the snail shouted. He could not believe the chaotic nightmare that the animal kingdom had become during his maternity leave. "You all should be ashamed
  • anything with segmented bodies!" barked Stanley the snail. He'd had such a great asexual time on family leave, reproducing by himself and what not. But on his return the entire
  • Estate was in trouble. His mum was drunk all the time, his dad lost his job, his aunt was diagnosed with industrial disease and the house was in foreclosure.
  • His cousin Jon don't know nothing and he likes it that way. Done him ok so far, as far as he knows. His "dad" was a carpenter down by the lake but a King of Heaven up here in the
  • 'sticks. Round these parts folks tend to keep to themselves. History has shown any fool sticks his beak where it ain't wanted might pull back a much shorter beak...well...anyway,
  • I digress. Toucan Sam very much valued his vibrant, masculine beak, yet here he was, marketing his product in Confederacy, AL. 'Round here, “Froot Loop” has a very different meanin
  • -g,' said Cyril the cereal killer and he aimed a sawed-off shotgun at Toucan Sam. Had it not been for Nora the Noble Transvestite, who threw her heavily sequined body in front of
  • Toucan Sam to shield him, it might have been disaster. The buckshot from the gun ricocheted off Nora’s sequins, with some of it flying back at Cyril, wounding him. “Now’s our chanc
  • e to slip upstairs and search through Uncle Toucan’s album of Playbird’s Pinups of the Year, said Puey, Susey, and Louis. 1990, Tracy the Toucanet ruffles my feathers. She’s hot!


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 06 2019 @ 17:38

    Tracy the Toucanet, lol!

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