as a rooster in the turreted tower of the

  • as a rooster in the turreted tower of the bouncy castle. He cockadoodle-dooed militantly. I heard clucking behind the great mound of chicken sh!t. It toppled towards us ominously
  • . Us chimps raised our Glade coated turtles and kept charging. We leaned against the castle wall and ascended each other, forming a simian ladder to the tower. The frantic chickens
  • down below ran frantically in a circle not sure whether to cross the road or to just
  • run back over to the grassy side. The road or the grassy side? The road or the grassy side?! But being a chicken with its head cut off, it was so hard to tell if the grass is green
  • on either side. She couldn't decide which way to go! Her wings flapped wildly, while her head (on the ground) actually turned in confusion and went, "Bok, bok, bokka!"
  • Suddenly she realized she was running around like a stereotypical chicken with its head cut off, because she was! Her first moment of true self-awareness was one of mortification.
  • No telling where exactly she lost her head, but it had to have been after the nuclear explosion. Come to think of it, a lot of random occurrences can be traced back to the nuclear
  • Accident to Fukushima, including the first ever plastic trees not unlike what Radiohead sang about. This went viral and her famously lost head returned home as a cat named Susha.
  • When she died the cat, Susha, went to live with the head of St John the Baptist who, you might recall, was living under the bridge near the river with Waupamuka (sic) and Jenkins.
  • It wasn't a bad life, if one didn't mind half-cooked polluted fish for dinner and sometimes the sharing of a bottle of whatever was thrown off the bridge. But the memories!


  1. Gibber Mar 29 2017 @ 16:57

    Ambikawolf - "her famously lost head returned home as a cat named Susha" - lol

  2. Gibber Mar 29 2017 @ 17:01

    This story is a continuation of this one: http://foldingstory.com/qpmzx

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