Old Master told him, "So many come to lose

  • Old Master told him, "So many come to lose their thrashing inner conceptions, to relax into the All or some such crap, but you, Luke Renard, you should flourish however." Luke felt
  • a surge of hope. His quest for retribution was righteous, but he did not yet possess the tools for success. Old Master told him to free his mind from the burden of fear. Luke asked
  • what do I fear? Old Master Wesson said, "It is your shadow you fear. Must learn to draw quicker, Mr. Lucky, that you must." And so Luke learned to
  • shade in the watercolour paintings before mastering his skills in the use of white pigments. As Master Wesson's apprentice Luke created life in still art by
  • using only white paint. The idea behind Luke's art was to have people stand very still and look at his paintings. Thus, the people were the art, not the canvases.
  • "And then our parents are the artists. Right, Luke?" He nodded. "So why are we paying you for your "work"? Those Kama Sutra poses were the true inspiration." Luke flung paint on
  • C3PO to shut him up before uncle Owen Lars caught on. Luke shouted, "Nothing! Nothing! La-dee-da." He'd accessed C3PO's erotic protocols last night to simulate one of those hot and
  • leggy Pa'lowick singers (just thinking of Sy Snootles made him want to bulls-eye a womp rat or two) & he hadn't had a chance to clean the oil off 3PO yet. If Uncle Owen caught on,
  • he would be forced to stay at his room. That's why Luke went on the speeder to find C3PO. He travelled Tatooine in 4 hours.
  • If Luke could do it so could he. So he mounted his Kawasaki and revved the engine. With the city disappearing in his side mirror, he sped past the flaming fields, headed for home.


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