Sometimes, I sit and think about all the

  • Sometimes, I sit and think about all the things that need to be written. The words flow down my arms, over my elbows and through the ends of my fingers to emerge outside my body on
  • to the buttocks of my clients at "Titillating Tattooes." I couldn't seem to get my poetry published anywhere else & my clients would never know...at least until it was too late.
  • Writing poetry on people's assholes might not seem like a good concept at first, but when one realizes the exposure they'll get for it-- hey, it's a done deal with the devil. So I
  • bent to my task & waxed eloquent: "This, thy canyon of waste, let not the bowels of gluttony solidify. Move through with haste, without obstruction, without shame." My ass poetry
  • is very cheeky. It has a strong aroma of the stink of humanity. My ass poetry can be gluttonous to the maximum whenever I'm digesting the hard bits of life.
  • Then suddenly a flatulent limerick toots free, There once was a famous anus named Yul Brynner, whose regiment was concerned about their dinner, the dingleberries, he cried t the d
  • Loss of national pride doomed the world in the first to be consumed by the bratwurst. The Kaiser Wilhelm II found out and started making his own sauerkraut. He was furious that the
  • German Pizza Hut down the street refused to serve his special sauerkraut on top of its New Octoberfest Pizza. In a rage, Kaiser Wilhelm II beat the head cook there with a giant
  • People pleaser found in certain German Dungeons. The cook, it turned out, knew the routine, and the straining sounds of German techno echoed around the kitchen walls.
  • The cook (i.e., NAZI cook) whipped up really tasty recipes, including Beef Goering and Chicken a la Goebbels. For some reason, though, people steered clear of his Himmler Lasagna.


  1. LordVacuity Nov 26 2019 @ 21:11

    I am as excited as a German schoolgirl.

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