Rainbow Dash was taken to the factory. The

  • Rainbow Dash was taken to the factory. The glue factory.
  • A new foreman was needed in the glue factory and Rainbow Dash was hired on the spot because of her skills in leather bondage. Rainbow dash trotted up the metal steps to an office
  • at the end of a dark razor lined hallway which seemed to jut out from the building at an obtuse angle which made her think of murder. That was the moment she realized she was in an
  • enormous shaving kit. Had she shrunk down, or had some mad engineer truly crafted such a colossal set of tools for removing hair from one's face, legs, pelvis, buttocks, and
  • underarms? It was then that King Kong entered the bathroom and reached for the huge shaver. She watched in horror from under the bath mat as Kong shaved off all of his fur. Under
  • All that fur was a beautiful princess named Darth Myrrh. "I'm also FANTASTICALLY single" she purred, the blade hidden in an unmentionable orifice. Excited, bathmat quivering,
  • said, "Jeremy spoke in class today."
  • “If there’s one thing I can’t stomach,” said Big Jim, “It’s a stoolpigeon. Hell, back in ’06, if someone even thought about being a stoolpigeon, a group of nunchaku-trained nuns
  • would whoop their wrists so fast they'd forever stay the right side of the law - that is to say, our side of the law."
  • They said yes! It’s the law of this great land...fair or unfair as it may be that’s the plight of history


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