• Annnnd... Breathe! Now NEWYORKNEWYORK ROUND OOOhsss Tee Toe Too Tah! Plato passes the potatoes. Hold this cork with your teeth.
  • Spin your partner, do see do, brazen calligraphy, go go go!" The dance students stared blankly at the teacher, who'd apparently gone quite off the rails. "FIre your missiles, jam
  • your toes, Brian Dennehy puts on hose!" the teacher called out, and the students, who were terrified by now, began trying to dance just to keep things from blowing up. "Promenade
  • all you like but we know that Brian Dennehy gets shot in the feet in Rambo." The teacher's hand went on her hip and the kids, well, they knew the score.
  • The class had to continue to focus on trigonemetry and the ruckus outside was distracting. There is nothing like a movie being filmed outside and trying to study for a test!
  • The movie they were working on outside the school was a remake of Death Takes A Holiday. This time though Michael Bay was going to add car chases, explosions, & Death was a hotty.
  • It flopped at the box office, but became a cult classic many years later. Michael Bay, on his death bed, was heard whispering, "It needed more explosions." Truly, it did.


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