Her toes hurt like hell...She needed new

  • Her toes hurt like hell...She needed new point shoes.That was that,she would not go on stage unless they gave her new blocks.She wiped out the blood and
  • the crip gangs in a single massively efficient drive by. She was driving the purple car from moon patrol that fired bullets in every direction. Now she was in charge of moving tons
  • of Wensleydale cheese in a moon forklift to Wallace & Gromit's nearby rocket. Wallace had purchased a years supply of water crackers in anticipation of the delivery. Gromit
  • was skiing the diamond cheese slopes with rusty skis, contaminating all the good cheese on the moon, unbeknownst to Wallace. "I taste iron, Gromit. Iron! Oh dear." Some Cheddat
  • was stuck between his teeth. Not to mention a piece of their moon rocket. That would completely spoil the taste of Wensleydale until he could get it free. As Gromit continued to
  • Eat the Wensleydale cheese, he became a mouse. It was his sixth life. My next life was that a chinchilla and I got to go everywhere, even the subway. That was really interesting!
  • But I got kicked in front of an oncoming train.In my eighth life I became a mouse living in a drug cartels warehouse. I developed a serious cocaine addiction and screeched "¡Andale
  • Arriba!" as I was crushed by a passing wheelbarrow. In my ninth life, I was a robot who had gained sentience. I spent the majority of it murdering my human inventors and leading an
  • alien overthrow of all Earthlings. Unfortunately, the aliens considered me, a robot, also to be an earthling, and took out my batteries. In my tenth life I awoke floating on a
  • hamburger patty. I smelled like a pickle--gosh darn it, I was a pickle! I wasn't even a nicely sliced pickle, I was an ugly, chunky beast now smothered in condiments. Woe is m


  1. juliyah Aug 23 2017 @ 12:59

    oops, I totally meant to be complete that last part before foldingstory got freaky on me. "Woe is me."

  2. Woab Aug 23 2017 @ 13:55

    It happens to the best of us, juliyah. PS: Glad to see an avatar on you!

  3. juliyah Aug 23 2017 @ 13:59

    Thank you! It took me a while to figure out what image would best represent me hehe

  4. SlimWhitman Aug 23 2017 @ 15:07

    Hey, juliyah, been enjoying your folds. Indeed, running out of time happens to all of us. Secrets of a veteran of the site (am I getting that old?) I press bsck or return to fold if it gets freaky on me. Also, I am not too proud to remove spaces before punctuation when I run out of space (usually) and my trademark fold item is the ever helpful ampersand: & (saves TWO spaces! woo woo!

  5. juliyah Aug 23 2017 @ 16:24

    Thanks, hearing that from you is an honor since I'm a newbie! And i'll keep those tips in mind! (I've done the grammatically incorrect removal of spaces as well haha)

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