Turns out that creativity is something we

  • Turns out that creativity is something we do every day. It requires certain brainsets that include certain brain activation patterns. Brainsets change how see and access info.
  • One of the main points was that people can tap into their subconsciousness to find creative solutions to problems.
  • And to find solutions to life's most challenging crises. So when I discovered that Pastor Handsy was in fact my real father in the confession booth I turned it into a foldingstory
  • . Pastor Handsy was solicitous to confessors, sharing a box with the ladies, sometimes confessing things himself. So when he asked: "Who's your daddy?" I knew he meant himself and
  • smiled devilishly. I was on a crossroads. Either admit that Pastor Handsy was my father, or accuse him of being an asexual bacterium. Of course, I chose the obvious choice and said
  • "Pastor Handsy, you asexual bacterium! You are not, nor at any time were you ever, my father!" He looked very hurt. Here in the primordial ooze, it is very impolite to call a
  • bacterium out on anything at all really. Father Handsy considered his vows of obedience, rotated his flagellum in a peeved manner and motored away to bud off elsewhere. Boredom
  • Was rampant and blew around like tree pollen or grass pollen. Everyone sneezed ten times, machine gun style. The birds stopped singing, making it look more nefarious than before.
  • Suddenly I felt like I was in a movie, one that I'd seen before. Was it that incredibly awful one of M. Night Shamilyan with the killer plants, or the Hitchcock one, with what's
  • behind the shower curtain? It was surreal, but I reminded myself that all the world is a stage, and I was merely a player in it. So, I sat back & just enjoyed the production.


  1. PurpleProf May 30 2016 @ 23:12

    Coherent and plausible.

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