Do you ever read something you have written

  • Do you ever read something you have written and wondered, "When did I write this?" and "Who is Susan?" and "What is the statute of limitations in this state?"
  • The answers to those questions are: "About twelve beers ago," and "The newest addition to your harem of legal stalkers," and "Not short enough to get me out of this." This was bad.
  • Even worse was when I turned the page over and found the supplementary questions. Answers: 'No.', 'Never.', 'Not when I was conscious.', 'I thought you'd forgotten that.', 'FFS',
  • Questions were: 'do you know who ate my sandwich?', 'how often do you bathe?', 'did you have a good nights sleep?', 'you know I know you ate my sandwich', 'what's your favorite acr
  • onym for sandwich thief?' and 'do you slow for children playing?' My sarcasm was lost on him, but I was willing to play along a while longer. "What's that on your lip?" I asked.
  • He sneered, "Don't act like this mustache doesn't turn you on." He was still the immature narcissistic frat boy on the inside despite his tweed jacket. Now it was time for me
  • to take this twerp downtown. We sat on the bus, waiting for the stop. Mid-ride I challenged him to a duel. My plan was fierce & full of falafel. How dare he insult my facial hair!
  • As the bus lurched ahead, I reached into my dark overcoat and drew out my brand new electric razor. I quickly finished him off. "That was a close shave," I said smoothly.
  • But little did I know that an old man standing outside the Hoodoo Lounge had witnessed what had just transpired. Fortunately he was known as the local drunk so most likely
  • he had already seen everything in life and wouldn't report it. I sat next to him on the curb. "It's a bad ole world, ain't it, Pops?" He observed me. "Depends how you look at it!"


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