You know you're getting hotter and you know

  • You know you're getting hotter and you know that your life is in danger with every second. What do you do? Run? Fight? Beg for forgiveness? Only you can change life's fate when
  • you find yourself bubbling away in a cannibal's pot, but you must be wiley. Cannibals are highly intelligent beings. Best to try reasoning with them. Persuading them to let you go
  • without marinating in Heinz 57 sauce is tricky. Cannibals love seasoned meat, especially if the person they're eating is an old woman from Southern California because they are game
  • For something to eat in the post collapse era. Look at Venezuela! People must wake up and stock up on Heinz 57 Sauce while they still can buy it cheaply at the grocery stores.
  • The problem is that the bottle of Heinz 57 costs twice as much as a box of ammunition. No use having the Heinz 57 if you're dead because you ran out of ammunition. When Martial Law
  • kicked in, my brother was already "balls deep" in AK-47s, SKS-90s, Mac-10s, Glocks, .45s, .22s and enough ammo to light up the sky until New Year's. He'd always been the "dark shee
  • -ts" guy in our family, insisting that dark sheets didn't show stains. But when the detectives came in with their ultraviolet lights, they could see the imprints of his victims on
  • the black sheets, black pillowcases, black comforter, black walls, black carpets, and his pair of black long johns with the escape hatch in the crotch. Detectives with ultraviolet
  • laser beam eyeballs could see the crusted stains on literally every surface. Probably didn't need the lasers, really. Some loads just never fully go away, you know? Psychic energy
  • is good for letting you know when to prep a spare coffin, just in case you encounter a ship wreck.


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