Did you come alone? Do you have the bag?

  • Did you come alone? Do you have the bag? Where you being followed? What day is it? Did I take my meds?
  • These are questions guys like me constantly ask ourselves. As a drug dealer, my life was incredibly difficult.
  • Because everyone else had normal jobs and couldn't hang out with me. The drug dealing life isn't easy. You have to get good at solo player
  • mode OR teach yourself Korean. I earned some decent cash, though, and you know how the girls like cash. Especially Oh-Mae (who thaught me Korean by day and
  • by night, she was the student...in love triangles and associated geometric romance. For you see, the girls who like cash smell it from miles away, much like my French cologne,
  • that I ran out of. I will never miss anything more than my cologne. Anyway, the intense study of triangles discovered the combo: Trianglecircle, AKA congress in an uproar.
  • Changing literally the shape of the nation isn't easy, especially when suffering from bad smell due to lack of cologne you needed. Yes, it is a hard job to be
  • Doctor Terry Fying Terraformer, but it's oh, so, satisfying! He propels into the air with the aide of his rocket backpack, and brings out the Hammer he likes to call: Planet...
  • Tamer. He hated to think that he was using Planet Tamer just so that humanity could bring their problems to a new world. He at least could make his mark on this new world. He fired
  • the Planet Tamer at Earth itself. The entire human race stopped suddenly and simultaneously realized the error of their ways. From that moment on, humanity lived in perfect peace.


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